Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Subsidiarity should be a guiding principle when making laws, regulations etc. The essence of subsidiarity is that power, authority and decision making should be at the lowest possible level, and that organizations should be no larger than necessary.
Our anti-trust laws are an example of this principle already. I think our anti-trust laws do no go far enough for corporations and could be strengthened. I would go farther, though, and also apply something similar to government—returning power and decision making to more local levels.
Reason why:
Better decisions as the authorities are closer to the ground
Easier access to authorities to appeal decisions.
Local flavor.
People can shape communities to suit themselves/culture.

With respect to corporations---laws and policies that benefit the large and comparatively disadvantage the small should be reconsidered. Much regulation falls into this category. Sometimes such regulation is worth the cost (in terms of making our world more monolithic), other times it is not. Lawmakers need to think about this and rethink our current regulations on its impact.

In a nutshell, out quality of life is lowered when we constantly have to deal with employees who have no power to fix our problems --- or are ourselves in such a position. That is also true for government as well. I would add the caveat that there needs to be oversight where larger organization can step in and stop local oppressions. Of course one wonders what steps in and stops central oppression.

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